National projects
Rezervacijska platforma
Javni sklad Republike Slovenije za podjetništvo, javni poziv “Vavčer za digitalni marketing”.
Project value: | 5.124,00 EUR |
Amount of public funding: | 2.500,00 EUR |
Project period: | 23. 08. 2019 -22. 02. 2020 |
»Naložbo (izdelavo rezervacijske platforme) sofinancirata Republika Slovenija in Evropska unija iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj. Sofinanciranje je bilo pridobljeno preko Vavčerja za digitalni marketing.«.
Tovarna Prihodnosti za lažje komponente Vozil
Project partners:
- TPV trženje in proizvodnja opreme vozil d.o.o.. (koordinator)
- SiEVA d.o.o.
- ALPINEON d.o.o.
- CADCAM Lab d.o.o.
Project value: | 19.121.526,52 EUR |
Amount of public funding: | 4.999.665,31 EUR |
Amount of public funding for SiEVA: | 249.554,53 EUR |
Slovenian Smart Specialization Strategy (S4) Field: | Pametne tovarne (Tovarne prihodnosti) |
Start date and finish date of the project: | 01. 02. 2019 -31. 07. 2022 |
Duration: | 42 months |
Program description:
The TPV4LIGHT Pilot Demonstration (PD) project is pursuing directly the S4 goals, where we will establish innovative processes for the production of chassis components for lightweight vehicles of the future.
The main result of the TPV4LIGHT project will be the development and successful demonstration of innovative processes for advanced robotic technology lines for the design and assembly of high-strength steel chassis components for the automotive industry. In the development of a complete technological process of transformation of input raw materials, we will integrate optimized traditional technologies (design and merging of semi-finished, high-grade steel new generation products) with modern visual-voice technologies and enabling technologies. The demonstration system, which will demonstrate innovative processes, will include a modern servopress with smart tools and intelligent guided assembly line with robotic joining systems, innovative weld cooling, automated weld control, advanced systems for manipulation and control using 3D machine vision, laser technology, and systems fot automated handling and automated logistics with automated guided vehicles. The entire system will be simulated, optimized, controled and managed through a digital twin. The machines, tools and products data will be captured via IoT interfaces and transmitted using blockchain technology to ensure data security and event traceability. For advanced human-machine communication, we will integrate and demonstrate advanced speech technology and artificial intelligence methods for proactive machines and devices control to get the best end products in given circumstances.
Useful links:
TPV d.o.o. (projekt TPV4LIGHT) –
Ministry of economic development and technology –
EU founds –
Učinkovitejši elektroMOTorji Z rAzvojem ekspeRTnega sistema in novih tehnologij
Beneficiary (coordinator): | Other partners: |
SiEVA d.o.o., podjetje za razvoj in trženje v avtomobilski industriji d.o.o.
University of Ljubljana – Faculty of Mehanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana – Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Maribor – Faculty of Electrical Engineering and computer science, COSYLAB, Hidria AET, Faculty of Industrial Engineering Novo mesto (FINI), Kolektor Group, NELA Development Centre, PODKRIŽNIK, RLS merilna tehnika, TPV, Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute |
Overall project value: | 3.156.167,50 EUR
Amount of public funding: | 1.998.008,00 EUR |
Slovenian Smart Specialization Strategy (S4) Field: | Mobility |
Start date and finish date of the project: | 01.10.2018 – 30.09.2021 |
Project description:
The MOTZART project focuses on upgrading of competences and products in the entire electric drivetrain manufacturing supply chain: from laminated steel stamping process to rotor and stator pack assembly, power electronics module development, complete electric drivetrain design and testing.
The MOTZART project follows the general goa log reaching higher benefit levels of Slovenian industry in field of e-mobility systems through increasing scientific excellence and establishing its role as a pre-development supplier in key areas of main and auxiliary electric drivetrains.
By developing these products we contribute to important breakthrough in fields of energy consumption reduction and emissions’ reduction in internal combustion engines, vehicle electrification and safety and comfort in vehicles.
Project’s effects will be seen through:
- Shortened development cycle and lowered development costs.
- Faster data transfer between R&D and manufacturing processes.
- Higher replicability rate, robustness, precision and cleanliness for the manufacturing process.
- Energy efficient and a more compact design of the electric drivetrain.
- Improved reliability of electric motor’s functions including in difficult conditions (corrosive media, higher temperatures).
Useful links:
Ministry of Education, Science and Sport –
European funds –
Ecological Safe Vehicle for green mobility
Beneficiary (coordinator): | Other partners: |
SiEVA d.o.o., podjetje za razvoj in trženje v avtomobilski industriji d.o.o.
University of Ljubljana – Faculty of Mehanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana – Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Maribor – Faculty of Electrical Engineering and computer science, COSYLAB, Hidria AET, Faculty of Industrial Engineering Novo mesto (FINI), Kolektor Group, NELA Development Centre, PODKRIŽNIK, RLS merilna tehnika, TPV, Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute |
Vrednost projekta: | 8.936.962,50 EUR |
Višina sofinanciranja: | 5.892.004,63 EUR |
Prednostno področje SPS: | Mobilnost |
Obdobje izvajanja: | 01.09.2016 – 28.02.2019 |
Project description:
The EVA4green project brings a concrete example of new product development for 22 new products, whose main advantage on the market is shown through 40 planned innovations and 16 international patent applications. The product development fields have been chosen as to support the key R&D trends of the global automotive industry, EU strategies and national development programs.
By developing these products we contribute to important breakthrough in fields of energy consumption reduction and emissions’ reduction in internal combustion engines, vehicle electrification and safety and comfort in vehicles.
The activities are focused in 4 key areas:
- internal combustion engine,
- vehicle drivetrain electrification components and systems,
- mechatronic components
- safety and comfort components and systems.
Breakthrough solutions are going to be developed by incorporating solutions including new materials, component weight reduction, advanced sensorics development, emerging technologies’ introduction, design concept and construction optimization.
Useful links:
Ministry of Education, Science and Sport –
European funds –