Intereg Projects
Project name: New Technologies and transnational networks for mobility
Project Acronym: TechMOlogy
Program: INTERREG V-A Italija – Slovenija 2014 – 2020
Overall project value: 640.990,000 EUR
Overall Amount of project co-financing: 544.841,49 EUR
Amount of co-financing for SiEVA: 87.164,31 EUR
Project duration: 01.10.2021 do 31.03.2023
Project Coordinator: Friuli Innovazione Scarl
Other project partners:
- SiEVA d.o.o.
- ECIPA Scarl
- Lean Experience Factory Scarl
Purpose of the project and main goals
Promoting new models of collaboration between business and researchers based on 3 principles (public-private investment, open innovation, a shared economy) to strengthen digital skills and the use of stimulating technologies in the mobility chain. The TechMology project will support the transfer of expertise on key emerging technologies in automotive industry to smaller companies, which account for the largest percentage and contribute to the development of new products and services.
The main goals of the project are to increase the understanding of the potential and accelerate the use of incentive technologies among SMEs in the program area to increase competitiveness and develop new models of cooperation between public and private entities within the cross-border innovation system.
The standard project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
Useful links:
- INTERREG V-A Italija – Slovenija:
- EU Funds: