The project’s technical coordinator Hidria AET, presented the overall progress and conclusion of the project and the main implications of the COMBILASER project’ innovation, whereas representatives of each WP and industrial use-case presented the work accomplished for the each industrial use-case user: Hidria AET from Slovenia, Orkli S. Coop. from Basque country, Spain and TMComas from Catalonia, Spain. The COMBILASER project succeeded in developing advanced technological setups for all three, combining monitoring data vs detected defects by NDT through a self-learning system (SLS). The results obtained form the validation tests that were made last June in Slovenia and in November and December in Spain, show great promise. The one-of-a-kind developed Self-Learning System is showing great potential with its leak-test to ‘guide’ function, as a pre-welding inspection system and as an optimization tool for the cladding process. The COMBILASER project has provided some technical breakthroughs such as the development of a laser controlled process through a closed loop, an advanced algorithm for optimizing tool for the cladding process, incorporated ‘learning function’ in the SLS algorithm in the glow plug welding use-case , a post-welding inspection system.
The SiEVA Research Centre played an important role in the consortium taking over and successfully leading the exploitation and dissemination activities within the project. Among its more tangible results is the COMBILASER video and two COMBILASER brochures. The use-case brochure which presents the results of the project per each UC and the public report on the project were presented just recently and can be accessed on this link.
The COMBILASER project partners are already contemplating various follow-up research activities, be it bilateral or a continuation of the COMBILASER project idea through a follow-up H2020 or FP9 project.