Stanje v avtomobilski industriji v državah članicah

Povzeto po poročilu CLEPE:
· Magna Steyr indicated on 9 April it is slowly restarting production, on 6 April production of protypes restarted, followed by production of G-class. Extensive measures taken. Magna Steyr stated that May 18 is the target date for restart of other business units
· Audi and Volvo have reopened their plants
· The Hyundai plant in Nosovice was allegedly the first car factory in the Czech Republic to resume operations after a three-week Corona break.
· Škoda Auto extended the shutdown of production at all three of its Czech plants due to the pandemic coronavirus until 27 Apri
· PSA is currently in talks with the unions to resume production.
· Toyota has reopen its plants, with only one of its usual three shifts running at first.
· Renault has halted its production all over France until further notice.11/05/2020 – Government will publish a detailed plan for what happens after May 11th sometime “between now and 15 days.”
· Volkswagen has reopen its plants. VW restarted component production for Chinese market on 14 April.
· Mercedes-Benz has started some of its factories, mainly to build up stock for car production.
· Opel factories remain closed.
· BMW factories remain closed
· Mercedes-Benz will start prodcution on April 22.
· Audi is slowly starting up its production, starting at the Györ plant in Hungary. A first engine assembly line with around 100 employees has opened there on April 14. It will only be operated in one instead of the usual three shifts.
· Fiat Chrysler will start prodcution.
· Ferrari is getting ready to restart production at Maranello facility.
· Nedcar plans to restart production of BMW X1 and Mini on 4 May
· Toyota has reopen its plants, with only one of its usual three shifts running at first.
· Fiat Chrysler will start up again on April 24.
· Opel factories remain closed.
· Dacia says it is gradually restarting its component and stamping activities as from April 21. Assembly won’t resume before May 4.
· Renault has resumed production.
· Volkswagen’s Portuguese factory will initially start at 27 April with two shifts, with the remaining workers remaining on a layoff regime
· Dacia plans restart from 21 April onwards.
· Renault plant also expected to reopen.
· Volkswagen has reopen its plants.
· Kia has resumed its production.
· PSA resumed its manufacturing operations.
· In Jaguar Land Rover plant in Nitra few people are preparing to launch production of Defender
· Companies which have suspended their production due to the coronavirus epidemic are gradually restarting operations.
· Renault plant in Novo Mesto to restart on 21 April.
· Seat announced on 20.04 that it will restart production on the 27th of April, with its 4 plants in the Barcelona area returning to work in a staged manner.
· Nissan has not decided when it will reopen its plant in Barcelona.
· Renault plans 1 shift production restart in Valladolid and Sevilla.
· PSA’s Opel and Citroën will remain closed for now.
· Volvo has reopened its plants.
· Manufacturers in England can continue to operate, as long as they follow the guidance to protect employees.
· Vauxhall plans physically distanced car production in UK.
· Toyota will keep its plants closed until mid May.
· Nissan will start prodcution at the end of the month.
· Vauxhall plants in the UK remain closed.
· Jaguar Land Rover was planning to reopen on the 22st, but postponed for the time being until the 27th of April.